lundi 15 mars 2010

Poppy Country


I arrived in Eindhoven (Netherlands) two months ago. I realise my internship under a V.I.E (volontariat international Entreprise) in this country. I’m working as a supply chain assistant and transport manager in a company which produces Luxury Packaging.

The Netherlands is a really nice country; the country size is not much bigger than Brittany. There are a lot of beautiful cities (e.g Amsterdam), lot of foreign people, the social status is very high, the weather is not so bad at this time (one month ago it was minus 10°C) and most people get around by bike because it’s a flat country and the Netherlands is under sea level.

I’m currently living in Eindhoven which could also be named Phillips city. Philips is the main employer of the city with around 20 000 employees. Twenty years ago it was 45000 but Philips now prefers to produce in the east of Europe. Philips has its own museum there, the main place has taken the name of Philips' founder and the whole city live around the Philips atmosphere. For example, Philips owns the PSV Eindhoven (Philips stadium Veldhoven) a famous team in Europe which is very popular here. In consequence you cannot ignore that here.

Eindhoven is a very nice city, roads are perfect, you can find all famous shop, there are a lot of Pubs, Eindhoven is not the most beautiful city but the global atmosphere is very nice and you feel comfortable to live here.

What about work? People work 40 hours per week minimum, employees are really part of their company. They try to do their best all the time for the company, employees work with very strict standards, and the level of demand is really high. In a lot of companies, there is again the difference between blue and white shirt due to their strict standard. However the atmosphere of working is very good and integrating
a team is very easy. The only problem could be the language. In the Netherlands, people speak Dutch a really difficult language. Nevertheless, about 90% of them speak English very well.

So that's it for the moment!!! I just enjoy working and live here at the moment.

Take care,


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