mercredi 29 avril 2009

London Activities: Poker & Shopping

2: My different activities:


With a flatmate and 6 others persons, we played a poker game at a friend’s flatmate and is very different compared to Poker in France. When we played in France maximum, we'd risk at most 5 euros… Yesterday, the pot was 200£ or 250£. It’s really incredible. It’s possible to buy a new chip when you loose. So my objective is not to win more money but to share good moments. And I bought only for 5£ and I won 5£. Monday Night I will participate to a poker tournament in the Pub.


I’m liberal you know and I love England because there is more competition on the price. For example, in France if a product meets a deadline, the storekeeper must take out the product. In Uk, The price is decreased to 50% for example.. I think of doing my shopping everyday after my job to benefit from that system. And good news, the shop are open until 10 or 11 pm and on SUNDAY too… I love ENGLAND….

For Clothes, different shopping centres are very interesting like Tkmaxx, Debenhams…

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