mercredi 24 juin 2009

Un Week-end camping (4/4)

And to conclude that great day, some hot dogs around a warm fire!

An internship, it's not only some work, it's also a lot of fun if you
find a good place to go.
I recommend it to all of you and hope that some of you'll dream a bit
with those few words and pics.

I'm almost done here, in less than three weeks this adventure will be
I'll try to do a final article to conclude this great story.

I wish to all of the second year students good luck for this hard
month of June at ESLI, keep in mind that the best is coming if you want!

See U soon!

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Afficher Internship Abroad sur une carte plus grande

Vous trouverez ici les "Guides Pays" compilés par les étudiants du projet INTERNSHIP ABROAD de l'ESLI.

Ces documents téléchargeables contiennent des informations utiles sur les stages à l'étranger.

Attention: certains détails peuvent être obsolètes.

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